
SurveyMonkey er bygget for å takle alle bruksområder og behov. Utforsk produktet vårt, og finn ut hvordan SurveyMonkey kan hjelpe dere.

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SurveyMonkey’s resources for the coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus icon

Everyone wants to understand how people are coping with the current moment. As we build out more tools and templates to help customers manage this crisis, we’re offering deep discounts to some of the groups who are most affected most by the coronavirus crisis—those in education, charities, and nonprofits.

All discounts are granted at SurveyMonkey’s sole discretion for one-year periods. SurveyMonkey may decline to renew a discount at its sole discretion. The discounts we have available differ depending on the country you're located in.

Educators and students are eligible to receive up to 80% off Standard Monthly plans (not applicable for Teams plans). Follow these steps to access your discount:

  1. Log in to your account, if you have one. If not, no worries—just head to the next step.
  2. Go to the Plans & Pricing page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and review the reduced pricing options section.
  4. Click the link about reduced pricing for students or educators.
  5. Upgrade to the plan of your choice from the Reduced Pricing for Students & Educators page.

If you don't see the reduced pricing options section for students or educators, it means you're not eligible because of your location or because you currently have an existing paid account.

Nonprofits and charities are eligible for a 25% discount on SurveyMonkey plans (not applicable for Teams plans). Follow these steps to access your discount:

  1. Go to the Plans & Pricing page and sign up for a free plan. You'll need to enter a SurveyMonkey username to complete the application process.
  2. Review the nonprofit discount application to see if you're eligible. Discount details and requirements are outlined in the application.
  3. Submit the discount application. Make sure to wait to upgrade your account until you hear back about your application since discounts are only available to customers with free plans.

  1. Go to the Plans & Pricing page and sign up for a free plan. You'll need to enter a SurveyMonkey username to complete the application process.
  2. Go to the relevant discount application below to see if you're eligible. Discount details and requirements are outlined in the applications.
  3. Submit the discount application for an annual plan. Make sure to wait to upgrade your account until you hear back about your application since discounts are only available to customers with free plans.

Note: Applications are only available in English and must be submitted in English. Thanks for your understanding!

Smiling HR employee holding a piece of paper and taking a video call on laptop

HR-sjefer kan bruke dette verktøysettet som hjelp til å fremme eksepsjonelle medarbeideropplevelser.

A man and woman looking at an article on their laptop, and writing information on sticky notes

Oppmuntre til selvrefleksjon og ansvarstakelse ved hjelp av skjemamalen for egenevaluering for medarbeidere. Kom i gang og forbedre prosessen med resultatevaluering i dag.

Smiling man with glasses using a laptop

Ansett de mest lovende medarbeiderne, få fart på innføringsprosessen og administrer arbeidsstyrken ved hjelp av et egendefinert personalskjema. Kom i gang med å lage skjemaer i dag med verktøyet for personalskjemaer og maler.

Woman reviewing information on her laptop

Benytt slagkraften som ligger i tilbakemelding ved hjelp av SurveyMonkeys nettbaserte evalueringsskjemaer. Kom i gang med skjemaopprettingsverktøyet i dag.