
SurveyMonkey er bygget for å takle alle bruksområder og behov. Utforsk produktet vårt, og finn ut hvordan SurveyMonkey kan hjelpe dere.

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Integrer med over 100 apper og plug-ins for å få gjort mer.

Spesialløsninger for alle behovene innen markedsundersøkelser.

Lag bedre spørreundersøkelser og få innsikt raskt med innebygd AI.


Mål kundetilfredshet og -lojalitet for bedriften.

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Finn ut hva kundene mener om de nye produktideene deres.


Beste praksis for bruk av spørreundersøkelsendersøkelser og spørreundersøkelsesdata

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Veiledninger for bruk av SurveyMonkey.

Slik skaper populære merkevarer vekst med SurveyMonkey.

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Power curiosity across your university


Everything you need to create advanced surveys

  • Jump right into our intuitive UI with powerful features such as advanced survey logic, A/B testing, and page randomization
  • Design surveys with maximum flexibility using 15 different question types
  • Create multilingual surveys in 57 languages

Build your surveys with confidence

  • Access custom education templates and get certified questions from our question bank
  • Get a library of resources on best practices and guidance on writing the best surveys
  • Stuck? Get the help you need from our survey experts

Effortlessly collaborate across the university

  • Leverage your team’s expertise and collaborate on survey design
  • Access shared resources—like templates, images, and logos—across your university
  • Uncover deep insights by sharing results with your team

Get the highest survey completion rates

  • Not sure your survey is good? SurveyMonkey Genius analyzes your survey and provides optimization suggestions to increase response rate
  • Ease the burden on your survey takers with a mobile-optimized UI that auto-scrolls one question at a time

Trusted by leading universities

  • Academic research
  • Administrative surveys
  • Online exams and quizzes
  • Student feedback
  • Course evaluation
  • Campus insights
  • And much more

“I love how easy it is to use SurveyMonkey. From start to finish, it doesn’t take long to create a survey to send out. I’ve used it as a teacher with my students, as a student for research, and as an employee collecting data. It’s simple to use, doesn’t require prior knowledge, and gathers the results for you.”

Holly J.
Humanities Librarian, Wright State University


Security you can trust

  • Get all the features you need to protect your university’s survey data: SSO, data encryption, and HIPAA compliance.
  • Give your students and faculty the guarantee that the data they are gathering is secure—so they can focus on research and analysis.

Centrally administer your account

  • Manage student and faculty users with an administrative dashboard and control the growth and adoption of SurveyMonkey.
  • Need to do more digging? We’ve got you covered with audit logs so you can track user activity.

Worry-free implementation

  • Easily migrate all your existing users and onboard any new users with Account Control.
  • Got data in another survey platform? No problem! We’ll migrate all your existing survey data from other platforms for you.

Protect your university’s brand

  • Standardize branding for your university through a custom subdomain, branded templates, and custom end pages for surveys.
  • Need to offer anonymous research? Enable your students & faculty with white-labeled surveys.

Over 65% of higher-ed students say that having the right software applications helps increase productivity.

Johns Hopkins University
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
University of Cincinnati
Delaware State University
Universite Laval
Mississippi State University
UTMB Health
University of Virginia

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