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How to start benchmarking

Use our survey templates to compare your results with industry averages

When you use SurveyMonkey Benchmarks, you’re comparing your survey results against average results (benchmarks) from other SurveyMonkey customers or organizations similar to yours. Why? Your survey results become more meaningful and actionable when you get to see them in context:

After you collect survey responses, you can see them alongside average scores by industry type—just like in the example above.

See how you stack up against similar organizations in many areas—including customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and website feedback—when you send our benchmarkable, pre-written survey templates from your SurveyMonkey account.

It’s important to note that, while you don’t have to use every question in one of our templates, the more benchmarkable questions you use, the more comparisons you’ll see in your results.

And although some questions have a customization option, beyond that, it’s best if you leave the questions as is. If you alter these standard, expert-certified questions, we’ll be unable to provide benchmarks.

Available survey templates:

Preview template

Preview template

Preview template

Preview template

Preview template

Preview template

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Over time, our customers have sent millions of our expert-certified surveys and Question Bank questions to employees, customers, student parents, and event attendees, just to name a few. We’ve aggregated and anonymized those survey responses in order to calculate a benchmark for each survey question by:

  • Finding an average response for each individual survey
  • Adding up those individual scores to generate an average across all surveys

If you opt in to SurveyMonkey Benchmarks, we collect profile information about your organization used to categorize your survey’s responses into comparison groups based on factors like industry, size, and location. That way, we can provide more targeted benchmarks.

We only include data from surveys deployed in the last four full quarters to adjust for seasonality and to keep our data fresh and relevant. To maintain the integrity of our data, we also exclude responses from surveys with less than five responses per question.

The data for our benchmarks are updated quarterly. Updated (and newly available) SurveyMonkey Benchmarks are published early January, April, June, and September—and become accessible in your account the same day they’re published.

Nothing that identifies you or your survey respondents are visible in the statistics or benchmarks we display to others. When you create a survey, all of your responses are aggregated and anonymized.

To preserve anonymity, we enforce rules that require a minimum of at least 10 organizations to be included in a published benchmark. And only responses you collect from Question Bank questions are included in our benchmarking data—none of your custom-created questions are included.

If you have additional questions about how we handle your personal information and data, please see our Privacy Policy.

노트북으로 설문조사를 만들고 있는 빨간색 머리의 여성

Oppdag verktøysettene som hjelper deg å dra nytte av feedback i nettopp din rolle eller bransje.

노트북으로 기사를 보면서 스티커 메모에 정보를 쓰고 있는 남성과 여성

Utforsk over 400 proffe, tilpassbare maler for spørreundersøkelser. Lag og send engasjerende spørreundersøkelser raskt med SurveyMonkey.

안경을 쓰고 미소를 지으며 노트북을 사용하고 있는 남성

Still de riktige spørsmålene i sluttsamtaleundersøkelsen for å minske medarbeiderutskiftningen. Kom i gang nå med verktøy og maler for skjemabygging.

노트북으로 정보를 살펴보고 있는 여성

Få tillatelsene som trengs med et egendefinert samtykkeskjema. Registrer dere kostnadsfritt i dag for å opprette skjemaer med malene våre for samtykkeskjema.