GTD Survey (for Master's Thesis, BI Norway) Question Title * 1. How many years have you practiced GTD? Under two years From 2 to 6 years More than 6 years I have not started yet Question Title * 2. How did you learn GTD? I have learned by myself, using Dave Allens books I work in a company that practice/introduced me to GTD I have learned GTD together with family/friends I have used an GTD-coach Other Question Title * 3. How would you say that the support from others affected your very first period of learning GTD? I found motivation in my own process I would not have made it without the people who shared this process with me I found motivation in my own process I would not have made it without the people who shared this process with me Question Title * 4. Your age Up to 19 years old 20-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49 years old 50-59 years old 60-69 years old 70-79 years old 80 years old or more Question Title * 5. Gender Female Male Other Question Title * 6. Household I live by myself I live with a partner/spouse I live in a household with kids Other Question Title * 7. Do you have a spouse or other close person in your private life who also practices GTD? Yes, and we have a common system Yes, but we have our own separate systems No Question Title * 8. Your occupation Full-time worker Part-time worker I run my own business I am unemployed/full-time parent Other Question Title * 9. Do you have colleagues that also practice GTD? Yes, we have a common system that we use together at work Yes, but we have no common system No Question Title * 10. Are you active as a voluntary? Yes, I do a lot of voluntary work. Yes, but I am not very active No Question Title * 11. Which statement best describes you? I practice GTD in private, but use other systems at work GTD is something I use at work only I "live GTD" and have implemented it in every specter of my life My ambition is to "live GTD", but I struggle to find the right flow between my different areas of responsibility (system clutter) Question Title * 12. What would best describe your ownership to the system? I have my own system, and feel a high sense of ownership to the way I use GTD I have a system that I share with others but have made personal adaption to fit my flow I have a system that I share with others I still haven’t found a good system that fits me Question Title * 13. Have you had breaks in your GTD practice? Yes, one or a few longer periods where I lost track completely and had to start all over again. Yes, I sometimes fall behind (for example in times of high stress level) but catch back quick afterwards. No, I have practice GTD regularly since I first implemented it Question Title * 14. To get back on track after a GTD-brake I prefer to... Work my way back by myself Involve others for help and support Work my way back by myself Involve others for help and support Question Title * 15. What tactic would you use to get back on track after an GTD-break? I would dedicate time (weekend/vacation/free from job), start from scratch and work my way back to full control I would start small and take a microstep every day to slowly get back on track I have never lost track so far Other Question Title * 16. Which step give you the most resistance? Capture (Everything that have my attention when it shows up) Clarify (What is this? Do I need to do anything about it? If so, what?) Organize (Put it where it belongs. Calender/list) Reflect (Doing my weekly review) Engage (Getting things done!) Question Title * 17. How does support from others influence your everyday GTD practice today? I´m a soloplayer I practice GTD together with others and couldn’t manage without them I´m a soloplayer I practice GTD together with others and couldn’t manage without them Question Title * 18. The commitment I feel for others (who maybe share my GTD practice) motivates me to continue my GTD practice in times of struggle. Not really Yes, very much Not really Yes, very much Question Title * 19. What describes you best? I am a perfectionist Better done than perfect I am a perfectionist Better done than perfect Question Title * 20. What describes you best? I have a tendency to procrastinate I do things at once I have a tendency to procrastinate I do things at once Question Title * 21. How have your number of tasks and areas of responsibility been affected by your GTD practice? I say “yes” more often and have more to do I say “no” more often and have less to do I say “yes” more often and have more to do I say “no” more often and have less to do Question Title * 22. Overall, how successful would you say that your GTP practice is today? I struggle I´ve nailed it! I struggle I´ve nailed it! Question Title * 23. In what way would you say GTD have the most impact in your life today? It helps me to get an overview of my tasks and a feeling of control I have a lower stress level and a clearer mind It helps me keep focus on the long horizon, and on my life goals Other Question Title * 24. Do you have something to add? Done!