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* 1. How many years have you practiced GTD?

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* 2. How did you learn GTD?

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* 3. How would you say that the support from others affected your very first period of learning GTD?

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* 4. Your age

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* 5. Gender

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* 6. Household

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* 7. Do you have a spouse or other close person in your private life who also practices GTD?

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* 8. Your occupation

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* 9. Do you have colleagues that also practice GTD?

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* 10. Are you active as a voluntary?

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* 11. Which statement best describes you?

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* 12. What would best describe your ownership to the system?

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* 13. Have you had breaks in your GTD practice?

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* 14. To get back on track after a GTD-brake I prefer to...

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* 15. What tactic would you use to get back on track after an GTD-break?

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* 16. Which step give you the most resistance?

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* 17. How does support from others influence your everyday GTD practice today?

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* 18. The commitment I feel for others (who maybe share my GTD practice) motivates me to continue my GTD practice in times of struggle.

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* 19. What describes you best?

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* 20. What describes you best?

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* 21. How have your number of tasks and areas of responsibility been affected by your GTD practice?

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* 22. Overall, how successful would you say that your GTP practice is today?

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* 23. In what way would you say GTD have the most impact in your life today?

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* 24. Do you have something to add?