The Handy, sex-toys and sexual health

1.What describes best your relationship status?
Dear respondent, we are curious on how you view sex toys and how the use of them impacts your sexual health/general well-being. Below you will find a number of question. The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete. All answers will remain 100% anonymous.
2.How did you get your sex toy/ The Handy?
3.How do you use sex toys / The Handy
4.Do you own other sex toys apart from The Handy
5.Why did you incorporate sex toy/ The Handy into your sex-life?
6.Below you will find a few statements, we would like your feedback on how accurate they describe your experience
Very accurate
Very Inaccurate
Don't want to answer
I am very aware of my sexual health
Sex toys improve my sex life
The Handy has improved my sex life
7.My sex life has a positive impact on.... (please select between 5 - 1 where 5 is very much and 1 very little)
Very accurate
Very inaccurate
Don't want to answer
The quality of sleep
My mental health
Stress level
General happiness
Energy level
Thank you for your feedback